
Sunday- Random Post
Monday- Maniac Mage (PVP post)
Friday- Fire Friday

Friday, February 24, 2012

Fire Friday part 1

Hello my fellow mages and those who wish they rolled a mage!

I would like to thank you for checking out the Everything Mage blog. The whole goal of the site is to share my knowledge of the mage class in world of warcraft.

The first thing I'd like to go over is Fire PVE. Let's start with the spec, (3/35/3)

This is the cookie cutter spec for pve and there are really no points to play with. As for glyphs I guess you could drop pyroblast for living bomb, but a 3 percent damage increase to living bomb doesn't justify taking it over 5 percent extra crit on pyro. The more you crit the better ignites you get and the more ignites you get the bigger combustions you can get! See where I'm going with this?

Now lets do a mock boss pull.....

Tank: "Pulling in 3,2"
YOU AS A MAGE: (start casting pyroblast)
Tank: "1"

Always, always, always start off an encounter with a pyroblast. In patch 4.3 the pyroblast dot got a nice buff and it applies the Critical Mass debuff. Which increases your crit chance by 5 percent! CRIT IS KING! MAGE_TASTIC.

Act 2...The Rotation
After you pyroblast, throw up living bomb. The next step is to cast flame orb and mirror images. You will use these 2 spells on cooldown. They provide us with intellect procs and do rougly 4k dps by themselves. If you are not starting out every boss fight like that then you are losing out on dps in the long run.

Don't forget DPS is what we do! We are dress wearing, fireball flinging, face melting machines of destruction.

Anyways....after you do your amazing opener, the rotation is fairly simple. You re-apply living bomb after it explodes (never before). You use combustion only when you have all of your dots up. These include Living Bomb, Pyroblast, and Ignite. Let me warn you, it can be frustrating. If I had a nickle for everytime I waited to use combustion because I couldn't get ignite up on my target I'd be one rich betch.

You will cast fireball a lot, so get used to the animation. Never hard cast pyroblast outside of the opener and always use your instant pyro ASAP. The nice thing about playing a fire mage is that we never have to stop casting. Whenever you are moving cast scorch, when standing still cast fireball. It's a nice little system we have going. (it owns in pvp too, but we will talk about that another time).

Thank you for checking out the first Fire Friday post EVER!

Any question or comments leave them below!

Your Favorite Mage,


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